Benefits of NutraPlus

  • Protects liver from alcohol damage
  • Prevents diarrhoea & constipation
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Promotes dental health & reduces bad breath
  • Reduces lung infection
  • Reduces antibiotic-associated diarrhoea
  • Promotes gut health & helps in healing gastric ulcers
  • Protects intestines from cancer-promoting enzymes
  • Promotes genital health & reduces vaginal discharge and UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
  • Prevents acute gastrointestinal tract infection in infants, children and adults

Health Benefits of Lutein

  • Promotes normal visual function
  • Enhances night vision
  • Reduces dry eyes problem
  • Provides anti-inflammatory effects & maintain heart health
  • Reduces severity of skin allergy
  • As a potent anti-oxidant to support brain & cognitive function
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Protects eyes from UV/Blue Light

Why Are We Different?

  • 7 Strains friendly bacterias
  • Live microorganisms
  • Antioxidant lutein
  • Prebiotic inulin (natural fibre)
  • 50 Billions CFU
  • Low sugar of fructose
  • No artificial colours or flavours

Suitable For:

  • Pregnant Mothers

  • Children above 1 year old

  • Diabetic Patients

Suitable for Pregnant Mothers

  • Probiotics support your immune and microbiome health, which may also assist in reducing the risk of allergies and eczema in children with a family history, when taken during pregnancy & breastfeeding.
  • Probiotik menyokong kesihatan imun dan microbiome anda, ia juga boleh membantu dalam mengurangkan risiko alahan dan ekzema di kanak-kanak apabila diambil semasa ibu mengandung dan sepanjang masa penyusuan susu ibu.